Sunday 30 March 2014

Busy Saturday

So I did mean to blog last night but had such a busy day that didn't get much chance. I did manage to get through the whole day without feeling utterly rubbish so I am hoping I am now on the road for recovery. The day started semi early as I had plans to meet the girls at 10.30 and wanted a decent breakfast inside me. For some reason though on weekends I need a good half hour and a coffee before I can contemplate cooking breakfast something that never used too happen. My mug of choice was wonder woman.
Once breakfast was consumed I headed got ready and headed out to pick up the girls and head into town. We did a bit of mooching around town before heading to the Alternative and Burlesque fair (the mooching included free coffee...never going to say no to free coffee)
The fair was fantastic, we saw some amazing pole dancers seriously how strong must their arms be!! I was so impressed by them and the whole event. It was pure heaven and we also managed to find a  makeup artist who can make me look fab on my wedding day. I also felt really good outfit wise yesterday which is the first time in ages. Normally I don't feel right but I loved my new Batman corset jumper top and felt fab. I spoilt myself a bit on a new bag, some necklaces and hair grips
I headed home mid afternoon and decided to get too work on my bookcase...I didn't finish it before the football started so decided about 10pm that I really wanted it done and then once it was done I clearly had to unpack my books. The only problem is I have too many books for my bookcase so will need to get another one.
This makes me so happy seeing my books up and having the collections together...any followers of this blog know I like reading and I will admit this morning I went and visited the bookcase to check it was still standing and look at my lovely books yeh yeh I'm a nerd 

I ended up going to bed just before 1am which is quite late for me but I did watch my phone clock change from 12.59pm to 2pm. This really did confuse me despite knowing the clocks were going forward. I have just never seen the time change.

Food wise the day looked like this
 SW friendly fried breakfast with 1 syn for the tomato sauce.
Breakfast Lasagne with Garlic bread (HEB x2 and HEA). The recipe for the lasagne can be found here

You will notice only two meals yesterday and I only had 2 syns (the other was in the free coffee). I completely forgot lunch as I was out and was so preoccupied with my books that I didn't have any other syns. The dinner was a bit of a struggle for me but one I am pleased I overcame. Once the football was finished I was having an internal struggle over cooking dinner I was really tired and didn't want to move and was close to ordering a takeaway but I had a word with myself and got moving and cooked dinner and it was gorgeous! 

So that's you caught up on Saturday, we are going out tonight to the cinema so I will be double blogging tomorrow. Bye bye for now x

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