Tuesday 3 September 2013

Inspirational Tuesday

I have tried to be a bit more interesting today but unfortunately as I still feel rather poo I cannot be too energetic therefore much of the day has been spent sitting at my desk or on the sofa. Work was the usual stuff taking calls interspersed with chatting to the lovely people around me. 

I did however read some very inspiration words from the gorgeous Jessie Pavelka on his blog he really got me thinking including the concept of the word no. How easy is it to say yes to that piece of cake, that biscuit that chocolate. I have been guilty of it on too many occasions but recently I am learning that I can so no without the world imploding. If your struggling on the plan try practising the word and see if it helps build up your resistance/willpower.

The beauty of slimming world is that nothing is banned...I see people struggling because they want to eat as they did before slimming world. If you truly want to lose weight that you cannot do this but that does not mean you cannot ever eat chocolate or crisps or pizza again it is just about making the right choices. Syns are there to be used so if you want to eat a bar of chocolate you can. The whole ethos is a change in lifestyle not a 'diet'. I cannot rave enough about the plan it truly does work you just need to read this lady's blog Weight Loss Bitch who has lost over 15 stone following the plan and still has crisps within her syns or read my lovely Mitchy's blog who is only 3.5lbs from her 10 stone award and she still enjoys her food she still eats her syns she has just changed the way she eats and has fully embraced the change in her lifestyle. Mitchy doesn't live a monk like life infact she has a good drinky evening recently yet did not let that sway her off plan. She did not allow a flexi evening become a flexi day then week then month.

I guess what I am saying is if you really do want to lose the weight and I know you must have by walking through the doors of group on that first night or signing up online finding the way back to the plan if you have fallen off is the first step. It's not easy I am not angel (just look back on the huge gains I have had when I have crashed off plan) but the urge to not be morbidly obese anymore is now winning. If you can find the reason that's stopping you then talk it through with someone who may be able to help you stop it holding you back. If your finding your making excuses stop it, if your saying I will start after such and such why wait? Why not go no I will start today I will take control back.

On to the usuals now if you are all still with me and not thought I am a ranting loony...if it helps though here is Jessie Pavelka
Food Diary

Okay so breakfast may not look the most appetising food today however I had scan bran sitting in the cupboard and it really needed to be eaten plus you know...it keeps you regular ;) I mushed up the scan bran (HEB) and mixed in a weight watchers dessert yogurt (F) along with bananas and strawberries (SF). It was actually really filling .
Mid morning snack attack
Blueberry bear yoyo (1/2 HEB)

I had leftover snoodles (aka noodles) with leftover quorn roast all free and including yummy superfree along with my other bear yoyo (1/2 HEB making a whole one) grapes and melons.

A new recipe was tried in the Cadman Pursey house tonight, the quorn fillets are covered in a honey mustard type thingum. It is made with 2 tbsp of honey 1 tbsp of worcestershire sauce (or veggie alternative) 4 tbsp of passata and 1/2 tsp of wholegrain mustard. The two fillets in the sauce were just under 2 syns and I had some yummy cheesy mash (1/2 tub of low low HEA) and veggies (SF). Rich had his with chicken and I got the thumbs up. It was really tasty and yet another meal to add to the list of stuff we like.

A yummy scrummy thick and in my tummy danio blueberry yogurt (3 syns) and a scrummy mini crunchie (4 syns thankyou Richie) taking my total to 9 syns.

Weigh in tomorrow eeeeeeeeeeep

Night night all xoxo

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