Monday 24 February 2014

Doing my own head in

I am doing my own head in right now I cannot stick to plan for more than a few days before I start on sabotaging myself. I know it works, I know all the pros and cons yet my brain goes mad and decides that it wants food that ultimately just gets me fatter. 

I am beginning to wonder if the only way I will fully get to grips with staying on the wagon is to have a scare of some sort not a road I want to go down. So yet again after another few days of eating rubbish I have drawn the line and will try focusing on the mini goals like the 6 mile wag walk me Liz Doug and Dudley are signing up for at the end of April. The walk will be much easier with some weight off!

On to today, I had the day off work and managed to have a rare lie in. I dropped Rich off at work and then set about the busy task of doing very little...which didn't last long as I decided to first tidy up the freezer then stock it up with some more soup. I managed to make two batches and sort out tonight's dinner whilst entertaining Doug with my singing and dancing (or not as he growled at me then walked off). The rest of the afternoon was spent walking Doug, enjoying a nice bubble bath and watching The Good Wife. This evening we watched another episode of Sherlock.

Food wise I have enjoyed being on the wagon today
Rice pudding with yogurt stirred in and fruit.
Two quorn sticky fillets (free) two McCain smiles (1 syn) with a butter bud (0.5) hex of cheese and salad
Mid afternoon snack of a muller light with a nana and green tea
Moussaka with 2x hex of cheese and a huge salad too. It was a huge portion but was gorgeous.
Pudding muller pudding (5) plus two bubbly bites (6) taking my total too 12.5 for the day.

I don't expect a good result at weigh in tomorrow but at least I am back on the wagon. I will leave you with this picture of Doug from the weekend. He was really enjoying his beach walk.

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