Sunday 21 April 2013

Sofa glue Sunday with a smidgen of productivity

Firstly thanks to my lovely Mitchy for assisting me with the blog title tonight! Sometimes my brain cannot think of anything original. It has lapsed into no brain function Sunday night mode sooner than it should!

I have had a semi productive day today...well when I say day I mean hour! I decided to do a bit of batch cooking so I have stuff in the freezer thats easy to grab. I had a helpful assistant during this process

He was waiting patiently incase I dropped anything he had to assist in picking up. He didn't however approve of the dancing and music choices

Yes I am a contradiction goth girl metal head who listens to cheesy pop music but hey its fun and I love it!

Sundays are my struggle day for some reason I find the urge to gorge for no reason about 8 o'clock but today I have managed to stay in control and stick on the 777 challenge. 

Other than my spurt of productivity I haven't done much except work through the sky + box and have a bubble bath. Unfortunately the first bath was an epic fail as our boiler was playing up so Rich had to reset it. The second attempt was much better though I did have that weird feeling sick and faint moment after my bath. I think I had it way too hot. I had to have a lie down on the bed after to stop myself feeling worse and Dr Doug came to check on me and assist with my recovery in his own special way. 

I have also had a fun day chatting with Mitchy and making plans for July. I can't wait to meet her and wlb its going to be such fun x

Food wise I tried a few new things today that had varying degrees of success

Two linda mccartney rosemary and red onion sausages with mushrooms and low low cheese slices. The roll is from aldi and once I took some bread out was 70g so one syn for the whole lot of awesomeness.

For lunch I decided to try some pakoras but I think next time I need to add more curry powder and make them more shaped.

They kinda broke apart but were tasty I also made a mint yogurt which was simple and just made from mint and fat free natural yogurt. The pakoras are simple to make. You boil and mash two large potatoes. Whilst they are cooking mix 3/4 tbsp of yogurt with an egg and curry powder. I also added onions, courgettes and mushrooms. Once the mash was ready I mixed them all together and put into a silicone tray. I cooked them for 30 minutes at 200.

Dinner was another new recipe and whilst in the main it was asty the potatoes weren't cooked enough. 

We had cowboy pie which is a pack of batchelors curry rice made as directed and then mixed in with baked beans and three eggs. You bake it with sliced potatoes on top for 20 minutes then add cheese and cook for another 20 minutes at 200. The rice mix was tasty though and very filling. Its a cheap meal to make which right now is key. I will definitely try it again but will add sausages next time and probably pre cook the potatoes.

For pudding I had two warmed pink and whites with 2 mikado and this hit the right sweet tooth.

Back to work tomorrow so I have had another spurt of productivity and got everything prepped ready to take in. Tomorrow means another day closer to weigh in and I'm looking forward to seeing how 777 pans out on the scales.

Night night all xoxo

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